Current Research: Exploring Light-Matter Interaction with 2D Materials
My current research endeavors focus on exploring light-matter interactions using 2D materials, particularly those with magnetic properties. The recent discovery that magnetism can persist in materials even at the 2D limit has opened up new avenues for investigation. We are delving into the optical properties of these materials, studying excitonic transitions in depth. A key area of our specialization is embedding these materials in 2D photonic cavities to create light-matter hybrid quasi-particles known as polaritons. Investigating polaritons in magnetic materials is not just about uncovering novel physics; it also holds significant potential for practical applications.
Past Research Focus: Nanoelectronics During My PhD
In my doctoral journey, I was deeply engaged in the field of nanoelectronics, with a focus on the electronic transport properties of two-dimensional materials like graphene. My work was centered around revealing the fundamental physics of these materials.
Monolayer graphene, with its single-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, is celebrated for its unique properties. Its distinctive band structure, influenced by the complex topology of its Hamiltonian, provided an excellent platform for probing various quantum phenomena, including the quantum Hall effect and Klein tunneling. Furthermore, multilayer graphene structures such as bilayer and trilayer graphene were instrumental in advancing our understanding of fundamental physics. Early in my Ph.D., I was involved in a project that explored the properties of ABA trilayer graphene. [1]
Focus of My Thesis: Twisted Graphene Systems
The primary focus of my Ph.D. thesis was on twisted graphene systems. The advent of superlattices based on 2D materials has led to new methods for modulating band structures and their symmetries. A groundbreaking development in this area was the discovery that stacking two layers of monolayer graphene at a specific ‘magic’ angle results in low-energy flat bands. These flat bands are crucial for studying various electronic interaction-driven phenomena like superconductivity and ferromagnetism.
My team and I dedicated ourselves to studying twisted double-bilayer graphene (TDBG), a structure where two bilayer graphene sheets are layered with a relative twist. We specialized in fabricating dual-gated devices using small-angle TDBG and conducted electron transport measurements at cryogenic temperatures down to 10 mK. Our research aimed to explore the various aspects of this system comprehensively. The results from this work were published in Phys. Rev. B. [2], Nat. Comm. [3,4], and Nat. Physics [5].
For details, please look at the publications.